Seachem Alkaline Buffer

Alkaline Buffer is a non-phosphate buffer to raise the pH and alkalinity (KH), possibly together with Acid Buffer (pH reducer). Both buffers are designed for aquariums with plants and for very hard water where phosphate buffers are going to cause algae or make a cloud in the water. Alkaline Buffer raises the pH between 7.2 and 8.5 and is very safe to use.

Dosage of Seachem Alkaline Buffer

To raise the pH, use 1 teaspoon (6 grams) in 80 liters of water every day until the pH value is reached. (this dose lowers the alkalinity (KH) by 1 meq / L (2.8 dKH)). For a good dose, the Aqua Medic spoon scale is very easy.

To gradually increase the pH, use Alkaline buffer together with Acid buffer. When using Alkaline Buffer and Acid Buffer together to achieve a certain pH, use the information below as a guide. These data have been prepared with the use of osmosis water in order to achieve a correct pH in tap water.

  • Acid Buffer 1, Alkaline Buffer 1.3, the pH then becomes 6.5
  • Acid Buffer 1, Alkaline Buffer 2.0, the pH then becomes 7.0
  • Acid Buffer 1, Alkaline Buffer 2.5, the pH then becomes 7.5
  • Acid Buffer 1, Alkaline Buffer 4.0, the pH then becomes 8.0

Benefits of Seachem Alkaline Buffer

  • Adjusts the pH to 7.2-8.5
  • Increases alkalinity
  • Contains no phosphate
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Seachem Alkaline Buffer


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Watertype : Sweet
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