Seachem Reef Iodide

Reef iodide ™ is a concentrated (8,000 mg / L) stabilized potassium iodide source for reef aquariums. Intended to restore and maintain iodide levels.

Dosage of Seachem Reef Iodide

  • 5 ml per 200 liters every other day.
  • 1 ml per 80 liters increases the iodide content by 0.10 ml / L

Use of Seachem Reef Iodide

BEGINNER: Add 5 ml (1 cap) every two days for every 200 L (US 50 gallons).

ADVANCED: Add 1 ml daily for every 80 L (20 US gallons) to increase the iodide by 0.10 mg / L. If necessary, adjust the amount so that iodide is 0.06-0.08 mg / L 6- 12 hours after the last reading. Then use this amount daily and check iodide twice a month.

EXPERT: set a continuous drip system after determining iodide consumption. Use the following formula to determine how much to add to your top water: m = 0.125 vi (m = ml of product to be added to top-off water, v = volume of the tank in liters, i = increase of iodine in mg / L). For example, if you want to increase iodide by 0.10 mg / L in a 200-liter tank, add 0.125x200x0.10 = 2.5 ml to the top water. [For reference: 1 gallon = 3.8 L].

Remarks: It is normal for the iodine content to decrease after a few days. This is the result of use and chemical exhaustion. Therefore, the amount and / or frequency of use can be varied. The amount used can be adjusted based on the coral response. Use the Seachem MultiTest ™ Iodine & Iodide Test Kit to check iodide levels.

Benefits of Seachem Reef Iodide

  • Stabilized potassium iodide source
  • Safe and easy to use
  • Important for the growth of soft tissue
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Seachem Reef Iodide


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Watertype : Reef