Seachem Flourish Trace

Flourish Trace ™ offers a wide spectrum of trace elements that are necessary for healthy plants and growth. Trace elements are normally depleted by consumption, oxidation and precipitation. The latter 2 processes happen faster than with other micronutrients. This makes it so important to restore trace elements on a regular basis. Flourish Trace ™ can be used alone or in conjunction with Flourish ™. Best results are achieved when both are used. Flourish Trace ™ is nitrate / phosphate free.

Dosage of Seachem Flourish Trace

Follow the usage carefully, Seachem products are highly concentrated. Add 1 cap (5 ml) per 80 liters, twice a week.

Benefits of Seachem Flourish Trace

  • Trace elements supplement for the planted aquarium
  • Provides more frequent dosing than a broad spectrum supplement without worrying about a build-up of slower used components
Seachem Flourish Trace


  • Above € 50,- free delivery in NL & BE
    In stock Ordered before 16:00, shipped today *


Watertype : Sweet
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