Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Therapy

This product has been specially developed for all types of seawater aquariums.

This is the perfect mix of halophilic and probiotic bacterial cultures. It removes waste products from fish feed and helps in the breakdown of organic waste and pollutants. Moreover, the build-up of organic waste is reduced in the long term and the amount of pathogens is thus limited.

Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Therapy is a super-efficient and concentrated mix of marine bacterial cultures. The bacteria reach their highest level of activity shortly after the starting dose. Bacto Reef Therapy provides the healthiest and most fish-friendly water available for the aquarium.


  • Extremely concentrated mix of halophilic and probiotic bacteria.
  • Contains directly active living bacteria in very high quantities.
  • Cells with a super high density ensure a minimal dosage for perfect cost control.
  • Special selected bacterial cultures for degradation of organic waste and pollutants.
  • Hydrolytic enzymes and special nitrifying and digesting bacteria for rapid removal of nutrients.
  • No odor of "rotten eggs".
  • Improved growth and beautiful colors of fish and corals.
  • Reduces stress factors and minimizes the risk of fish and coral diseases.

Start dosage

  • Day 1 - Day 3: 10 ml / 100 liters.
  • Wait 3 days.
  • Then dose 5 ml / weekly / 100 liters.

Maintenance dosage

  • 3 ml / 100 liters weekly.

In aquariums that are older than 2 years, it is best to dose slowly and 30% for several weeks.

Available Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Therapy packaging

  • Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Therapy 250 ml
  • Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Therapy 500 ml
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Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Therapy


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