Fauna Marin Ultra Bak

Ultra Bak is a nutrient solution with bacteria that are only found in the seawater aquarium. After adding Ultra Bak, bacteria will multiply rapidly and as a result, unwanted nutrients such as nitrite, nitrate and phosphate will be converted into biomass. The bacteria are absorbed by corals and filter feeders, making it an additional source of natural food. Most corals can also directly use Ultra Bak as an energy source.

The growth of denitrifying bacteria is improved, making the living stone and also zeolite filters even more effective in breaking down and removing unwanted nitrogen compounds. In combination with Ultra Lith and Ultra Min S it offers a safe and simple method for maintaining extremely nutrient-free water and gives fantastic colors in an aquarium. Ultra Bak is suitable for aquariums with or without zeolite filtration.

Dosage Fauna Marin Ultra Bak

  • 2 - 5 ml per 1000 liters daily. Depending on the nutrient concentration and the population.
  • In older aquariums that contain high concentrations of nutrients, first reduce the phosphate content with Ultra Phos before you start using Ultra Bak.
  • Reduce the Ultra Bak dose by 75% and increase the dose by 10% every two weeks. Check the water values regularly.
  • The dose is too high as soon as a slimy layer settles over the stones and on the glass.

Ingredients Fauna Marin Ultra Bak

  • Water.
  • Calcium chloride.
  • Magnesium sulfate.
  • Potassium chloride.
  • Ethylene vinyl acetate.
  • Ethanol.
  • Peptone
  • Trypton.
  • Histidine hydrochloride.
  • D-phenylalanine.
  • L-Threonine.
  • DL-Tryptonphane.
  • DL valine.
  • Thiamine hydrochloride.
  • Nicotinamide.
  • Ribiflavin.
  • Pridoxine hydrochloride.
  • Cyanococobalamin.
  • Sodium methyl 4-hydroxybezoate.
  • Organic acids.
  • Trace elements.
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Fauna Marin Ultra Bak


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