Salifert Profi test Calcium (Ca)

Salifert Calcium Profi Test (Ca)

Testing and adding calcium is an important component of lime algae, skeletal material of hard corals and of soft / leather corals. Calcium also performs many biological functions.
Very often a too low calcium concentration slows down coral and calcareous algae growth.

Natural sea water contains 400-450 mg / L of calcium. That is the ideal value for a reef aquarium. For a stable aquarium, the fluctuation in calcium content should preferably not be more than about 15 mg / L.

Conclusion: Calcium is absorbed in a healthy aquarium with growth and multiplication of corals, desired lime algae and other organisms. And so must be added. An accurate test is required to determine the correct addition.

This calcium test has a small scale and is capable of measuring in steps of 10 mg / L. The color change is sharp and facilitates the detection of small but very significant fluctuations in the concentration of calcium.

This test is good for approximately 50-100 tests.

For more information:

Salifert Profi test Calcium (Ca)


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