Salifert water quality testers
Salifert Profi Test Kits for reef, marine and advanced freshwater aquarists are some of the most accurate and accurate test kits on the market. Kits are available for all aspects of aquarium chemistry, organic and inorganic substances, as well as valuable marine trace elements. The water tests ensure an accurate dosage where no additives are needed. The kits are based on color change and color comparison charts and offer a correct value of the aquarium water quickly and easily. There are 16 kits in the range, and most are suitable for both freshwater and saltwater environments (unless otherwise stated).
Salifert Profi-Test Calcium (Ca)
Testing and adding calcium is an important component of lime algae, skeletal material of hard corals and of soft / leather corals. Calcium also performs many biological functions. ...
Salifert Profi-test KH
Professional KH / Alkatity test with an accuracy of approx. 0.1 meq / L or 0.3 dKH The color change is sharp, this makes detection of important but small changes possible. ...
Salifert Profi-test Magnesium
Magnesium is present in natural seawater in a fairly high concentration (1350 - 1500 mg / L) and is an essential element of chlorophyll that is needed for photosynthesis. Without p...
Salifert Profi test Nitrite (NO2)
Nitrite is a substance that is toxic to fish and invertebrates. This substance is easy to detect with this test. Equipped with a good color change and an accurate scale. With ...
Salifert Profi-test Nitraat (NO3)
Too high a concentration of nitrate can cause unwanted algae growth. But can also prevent coral growth. The nitrate content in a well-functioning reef aquarium must not exceed 1 mg...
Salifert Profi test Phosphate (PO4)
Phosphate has a number of negative effects in too high a concentration. Algae growth is the biggest problem. This test has a large range that starts at 0.015 mg / L. ...
Salifert Profi-test pH
Professional pH test with a range of pH 7.4 to 8.6 and an accuracy of pH 0.2 units. Enough for around 50 tests. The pH value can have a major impact on the growth of corals and ca ...
Salifert Profi-test Jodium
The Salifert Iodine Profi Test measures all naturally occurring species such as iodine iodate, iodine, molecular iodine and hypoiodite. Enough for around 40 tests ....
Salifert Profi-test Borium
Boron is an extremely important element that is consumed slowly. Too low a concentration inhibits coral and lime algae growth. Too high a concentration disrupts the biological bala...
Salifert Profi-test Strontium
Strontium plays an important role due to faster growth of coral and calcareous algae. Natural seawater contains approx. 7-9 mg / L strontium. Since the growth of corals and lime al...
Salifert Profi-test Silicium
Professional silicate test with a range of 0.03 - 30 ppm as SiO2 Sufficient for approximately 60 measurements. Silicate mainly occurs in the tap water or in osmosis water, when the...
Salifert Profi test Oxygen
Corals and marine fish require very high levels of oxygen. Because oxygen has a low solubility in salt water, it is very important to regularly test the level of the oxygen present...
Salifert Profi-test Ammoniak (NH4)
In a well-functioning aquarium, ammonium and ammonia are immediately broken down to nitrite and then nitrate. In some cases, however, this does not happen or happens too little, re...
Salifert Profi-test Koper
Copper is often used as treatment for parasites and it is therefore important that the correct values are maintained. This is because too high concentrations are harmful to seawate...
Salifert Easy Test Potassium (Kalium)
Test set to test the Potassium (Potassium) content of your seawater. Potassium is important for the colors pink / purple with SPS corals. The target value for Potassium (Potassium)...
Salifert essentials testkit (Ca, KH, Mg, No3, Po4)
The Salifert essentials test kit is a package of tests compiled by Ocean Store that everyone needs to measure the essential elements in the aquarium water. Ca, Mg and KH for the .....
Salifert Refractocheck
Calibration fluid (35ppt) for calibrating a refractometer ....
Accurate dosing syringe 1ml
Very accurate 1ml dosing syringe. Perfectly readable per 0.1 ml or even more accurately. These syringes are also used in, for example, Salifert or Red Sea test kits. So also perfec...
Accurate dosing syringe 2ml
Very accurate 2ml dosing syringe. Perfectly readable per 0.1 ml....
Accurate dosing syringe 5ml
Very accurate 5ml dosing syringe. Perfectly readable per 0.2 ml or even more accurately. These syringes are also used in, for example, Salifert or Red Sea test kits. So also perfec...
Accurate dosing syringe 10ml
Very accurate 10ml dosing syringe. Perfectly readable per 0.2 ml or even more accurately. These syringes are also used in, for example, Salifert or Red Sea test kits. So also perfe...
Reserve testbuis
Spare test tube, which is used in Salifert test kits, but can also be used for other test kits or for preparing dust feed, for example.
Spare measuring spoon
Spare measuring spoon, which is used in Salifert Boron test kits, but can also be used for other test kits or for preparing dust feed, for example.
Spare Salifert measuring spoon
Spare measuring spoon from Salifert, which is used in Salifert Nitrate test kits, but can also be used for other test kits or for preparing dust feed, for example....
Reserve Salifert test cuvette
Spare test cuvette from Salifert, which is used in Salifert Nitrate test kits, but can also be used for other Salifert test kits or for, for example, creating dust...