D&D Reverse osmosis unit 75GPD / 283 liters per day

Reverse osmosis water is essentially free of chlorine, nitrates, phosphates and heavy metals. It is ideal for making seawater and for supplementing evaporated aquarium water. Tap water is generally full of these contaminants and the effect on the aquarium can be very serious, depending on how the water is in the environment. If tap water is used for the aquarium, this can lead to algae and diatom problems, which must then be combated with other methods.

DD has an extensive range of reverse osmosis units for every application that consist of 3 phases, with different membranes of 189, 283 and 475+ liters per day.

Available versions;

  • D&D Reverse osmosis unit 50GPD (approximately 7.88 liters per hour / 189 liters per day)
  • D&D Reverse osmosis unit 75GPD (approximately 12 liters per hour / 283 liters per day)
  • D&D Reverse osmosis unit 150GPD (approximately 23.65 liters per hour / 475+ liters per day)
D&D Reverse osmosis unit 75GPD / 283 liters per day


  • Free delivery in NL & BE
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