Chalice / Mycedium Robokaki - Bandit Chalice (Grey / Orange)

A Chalice is a plate-shaped coral with a clear color difference between the polyps and the rest of the flesh. This great contrast creates a beautiful drawing. The Mycedium Robokaki Chalice is gray with orange polyps. This is one of the most beautiful and popular Chalice.


  • Needs a lot of light
  • Best to keep under T5 or High-end LED lighting
  • Cannot withstand fluctuating water values
  • It is advisable to use additives to build up a lime skeleton
  • Can be supplemented with dust food

Chalice / Mycedium Robokaki - Bandit Chalice (Grey / Orange)


  • There is a minimum of 24 hours between the time of ordering and shipping due to the extra care for correct packaging and shipping. For corals additional packaging and shipping charges apply.
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