Aquarium Systems Program Algae Control Marine Nano

Program Unidoses Algae Control Marine Nano

Problem with cyanobacteria and/or algae?

Why do you get cyanobacteria and/or algae? Because there are nutrients in the water and there are no competitors to remove those nutrients before they are consumed by the cyano or algae. Who are the competitors and where are they? They are bacteria and the fact is that the unintended consequence of your protein skimmer/UV/ozone is that they remove bacteria from the water but do nothing to the cyano and algae that are stuck to the surfaces of your tank.

The long term solution to cyano/algae problems is to introduce competitors to your system that can consume the nutrients and then remove those organisms, thereby removing the nutrients from the system. We recommend using our Cyanobacteria & Algae Control program to achieve this goal.

We combine a range of bacteria that will reduce the cyano/algae and then add competitors that will remove the nutrients. We then use the skimmer to remove the bacteria and thus remove the nutrients. Just follow the daily program to return all the nutrients to your tank.

Start the program with the first bottle and then use the easy to follow guide to achieve fantastic results. Once your cyano/algae problem is solved, we highly recommend using our maintenance program which will result in a cyano and algae free tank.

Instructions for use:

  • Take the program card. Note the date, this is day 1 of the program.
  • Find the bottle labeled Day 1.
  • Select and remove the bottle.
  • Shake the bottle to mix the solution well.
  • Tap the top of the bottle to remove the solution from the lid of the bottle. Break the top of the bottle.
  • Pour the contents of the bottle into the aquarium. Make sure that all the contents of the bottle are poured into the aquarium.
  • Put the lid and body of the bottle in the trash.
  • Check your program card daily for the next required action.
  • Enjoy your aquarium.

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Aquarium Systems Program Algae Control Marine Nano


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