Xepta Mg+ 750 g

Magnesium is an important element in maintaining the balance between calcium and alkalinity. It is necessary to maintain a proper calcium level in our aquarium to maintain the magnesium levels between 1290 and 1350 ppm and vice versa, because if magnesium is not above 1290 ppm we cannot maintain the calcium level at 420 ppm. If these elements are not in balance, no matter how much calcium or magnesium we use, we will not be able to bring these elements to their correct values ​​to properly maintain our aquarium.

This additive is intended to make corrections to this value in the reef aquarium, in order to be able to supply this element in a balanced way together with the calcium and carbonates that you have available within our range of products, the balanced additive Xepta Reef Balance.

Contents: Magnesium salts.

Instructions for use:

5 g of Xepta MG+ increases the magnesium level by 6 ppm in 100 liters of aquarium water. It can be added directly to the aquarium with the amount of MG+ needed to increase the magnesium level of our aquarium in a zone with strong current or it is possible to dilute the contents of the package in osmotic water, for this we prepare 5 liters of osmotic water and mix all the contents of the package, the water must be completely crystal clear. When we have prepared the 5 liters of solution, 10 ml of this solution will increase the Mg level by 2 ppm per 100 liters of water in the aquarium.

Xepta Mg+ 750 g


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