Bernardpora Red with yellow mouth

Like other corals, Goniopora / Bernardpora corals also have specific requirements for successful care in an aquarium. They generally require moderate to high light levels and should be placed in water with stable parameters and good water quality. Regular feeding with plankton or other small particles is also important to meet their nutritional needs.

Bernardpora corals can be challenging to keep as they are sensitive to changes in water conditions and are susceptible to certain stressors. For this reason, they are often considered advanced coral species and require proper care and attention to thrive in an aquarium.


  • Not for beginners
  • Grows best under T5 or High-end LED lighting
  • Can be fed with powdered food and frozen food
  • Can sting
  • Needs manganese
Bernardpora Red with yellow mouth


  • There is a minimum of 24 hours between the time of ordering and shipping due to the extra care for correct packaging and shipping. For corals additional packaging and shipping charges apply.


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