Red Sea pH-Alkalinity test (pH + KH test)

KH stands for potential hydrogen (hydrogen). In other words, pH measures how acidic or alkaline the aquarium water is in your aquarium. Aquarium pH is measured on a scale between 0-14.0. Aquarium water pH measuring 0-6.9 is acidic, while an aquarium pH measuring 7.1-14.0 is alkaline. Aquarium water pH of 7.0 is neutral. KH stands for carbonate hardness. The carbonate hardness indicates the carbonate and bicarbonate ions in the water. This is also called the alkalinity of the water. The more carbonates, the more alkaline the aquarium water. The Kh is an important water value for our aquarium lovers. This is because the Ph is determined by the ratio between the amount of Kh and Co2. If you would like a low Ph in your aquarium but your Kh high eg is more than 8 then you should add Co2. Now you have a small problem. Because of the high Kh you have to add a lot of Co2 to get a Ph of for example 6.5. More than good for your aquarium inhabitants. Max 25mg / l is a good guideline. You must therefore reduce the hardness of the water in order to obtain the desired Ph in a safe manner. Red Sea pH / Alkalinity Test Kit contains an accurate titration test for KH and a colorimetric test for pH for monitoring these essential parameters in all seawater aquariums.

Red Sea pH-Alkalinity test (pH + KH test)


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