Easy-Life Easy Carbo makes plants grow stronger and faster and is very effective against algae.

  • EasyCarbo is a very powerful and efficient liquid carbon feed for aquarium plants
  • promotes the growth of plants with organic and not with mineral substances
  • can be used for aquariums with or without additional CO2 fertilizer
  • increases the competition of plants against algae and thereby contributes to the reduction of all kinds of algae
  • a strong growth of the aquarium plants is already visible after a short time
  • Easy-Life EasyCarbo works ideally in combination with Easy-Life ProFito plant fertilizer
  • very economical to use, daily 1 ml in 50 liters of water are sufficient, maximum 2 ml in 50 liters of water, only with strong planted ponds


do not overdose, too high a dosage is strongly discouraged!



  • Above € 50,- free delivery in NL & BE
    In stock Ordered before 16:00, shipped today *


Watertype : Sweet
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