Korallen-Zucht Aragonite Reactor Media

From one of the most trusted names in reef additives comes the perfect combination for calcium reactor users!

KZ's Aragonite Reactor CaRx Media is a coarse-grained aragonite medium designed for use in calcium carbonate reactors. Aragonite Reactor media is a highly pure source of calcium and carbonate alkalinity and is free of harmful by-products. One of the main advantages of using this type of media is that it only adds necessary elements to the tank and will not increase salinity over time as additional sodium and chloride ions are introduced as with 2 part solutions. Using high quality reactor media such as KZ Aragonite Reactor media increases ease of use and system stability.

Aragonite Reactor media has a perfect grain size for optimum surface area, while avoiding compaction that can impede flow. A nice addition is the addition of approx. 10% ZEOmag Magnesium granulate mixed with the Aragonite Reactor media.

Perfect for use on its own or with ZEOvit system and other KZ additives.
Works in any calcium reactor
Ideal grain size
Retains stable calcium and alkalinity

Available in two sizes

  • 1 kg
  • 4 kg
Korallen-Zucht Aragonite Reactor Media


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