Flipper DeepSee Viewers

Optical grade lens with a 3" (NANO), 4" or 5" viewing window which is perfect for aquarium photography with a focal length of approximately 3 to 8 inches.

Also available separately, a SPOTLIGHT for illuminating coral with blue light.

Flipper DeepSee Viewer

Lens of optical quality with a viewing window of 4 "which is perfect for aquarium photography with a focal length of about 3 to 8 inches. Is held in place by strong rare ...

Flipper DeepSee Viewer Spotlight

The FL!PPER DEEPSEE Spotlight easily attaches to any DeepSee Magnified Viewer and has a precisely focused flashlight-like beam, ideal for spying on all your nocturnal animals! D......

Flipper DeepSee Orange Filters

Flipper DeepSee Orange Filters for filtering out the blue light. It allows you to capture the perfect shot of your beautiful corals.